Selasa, 07 April 2015

Be Patient in Waiting

 Be Patient in Waiting

Be patient in waiting, as patiently Abraham | offspring when asked on God, then God bestowed him Ishmael
Patient in the business, as temper Mother Hagar and Ishmael | when her husband left without supplies, and God blessed them Zamzam water
Patient in the exam, as temper Ishmael and Abraham | when God asked for his life, then God save them, and God bless their offspring
Patient in propaganda, as the temper of the Prophet Muhammad | when to be vilified, threatened, expelled, abused, stoned, hurt, and God glorified his name in the heavens and on earth
Patient in spaciousness, as temper Solomon | test God with riches never given to anyone nevertheless, and he never felt had besides saying "It's just a gift from the Lord!"
Patient in pain, as the temper of the Prophet Ayyub | test God with body and soul, property and family, and God exalted rank in heaven
Patient in any way, because the angels in heaven will say "hello safety to you, because your patience"
(Ie) heaven 'Eden which they enter into it together with those of the pious fathers, wives and grandchildren, are angels enter their places of all doors, (reciting) :
"Salamun 'alaikum bima shabartum".. So it is good to place the end of it (Surah 13: 23-24)
akhukum fillah,felixsiauw

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